Showing posts with label Itchy Eyelids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Itchy Eyelids. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Itchy Eyelids

Itchy Eyelids

Eyelids become itchy when it gets infected or develops inflammation. It can be due to allergic reaction or due to lack of proper sleep. Itchy eyelids will cause redness on the eyes and will cause irritation. Sometimes, it would give rise to small bumps on the eyelids or even inside the eyes.

Allergic reaction that gives rise to itchy eyelids can be from the simple reason of changing eye cosmetics or due to hay fever. When the allery affects the thin membrane lining of the eyelids it is called as allergic conjunctivitis. Sometimes any infection on the margin of the eyelids can also cause itchy eyelids. Some of such reactions are Blepharitis and Chalazion. Stye is the term given for localized bacterial infection of glands.

Normally, these infections will not cause any damage to your vision and it will get better within few days. You can apply cool compresses or apply antihistamine ointments for reducing inflammation. Avoid rubbing your eyes which will worsen the problem. In rare cases, irritation on the eyelids can cause anaphylaxis which is highly complicated condition.

Symptoms :

Itchy eyelids can be associated with feeling of burning sensation in the eyes, redness and gritty feeling. There would be frequent discharge of watery fluid from the eyes and it increases when you rub the eyes. For some people, it may also cause runny nose with sneezing due to increased watery discharge. In rare cases, the entire face becomes swollen and red.

In case eyelids irritation is accompanied with signs of visual distortion and shortness of breath or swelling of face, then you need to seek immediate medical care.

Causes :

The reasons for itchy eyelids may vary from simple reason or not having enough sleep previous night to serious infection. Presence of any foreign particle inside the eyes can cause irritation. Even a slight change can cause inflammation of the eyelids since they are well connected with nerves and blood vessels.

It can be due to allergic reaction or any infectious problem like blepharitis (eyelid margin becomes swollen) or stye (bacterial infection on eyelash follicles). Conjunctivitis is also one of the major causes of itchy eyelids. Sometimes it can be due to hay fever or change of eye makeup.

Diagnoses :

Your ophthalmologist will examine your eyes for detecting the root cause of itchy eyelids to find if it is caused by allergic reaction or infection.

Pictures of Itchy Eyelids :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Itchy Eyelids

Itchy Eyelids Itchy Eyelids Itchy Eyelids Itchy Eyelids
Treatment :

In case of mild Allergy you can take antihistamines available over the counter to clear the inflammation and redness. Actually tears are produced from the eyes if you have dry eye syndrome which can trigger over production of tears. Decongestant drops are given for reducing tears from the eyes.

Your doctor may prescribe corticosteroid drops for getting immediate relief from symptoms. However he will find out the exact reason for itchy eyelids before giving any medicine.

For clearing conjunctivitis you need to take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. For managing blepharitis you can use cold compresses or wet clothing on the eyes.

Itchy Eyelids

Itchy Eyelids

Itchy Eyelids Symptoms

Eyelids that itch can be accompanied with other symptoms including:

  • Discharge from the eyes

  • Burning feeling in the eyes

  • Gritty feeling in the eyes

  • Increased tear production

  • Redness of the eyes or eyelids

  • Runny nose – Nasal Congestion

  • Sneezing

  • Swelling of the face

In rare cases, eyelids that itch can occur with symptoms that could indicate a life-threatening condition that should immediately be evaluated in an emergency room.

Medical attention should be sought immediately if any of these symptoms also occur:

  • Breathing or respiratory problems such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing, not breathing, choking, labored breathing

  • Sudden changes in vision, loss of vision, eye pain

  • Sudden swelling of the lips, tongue or face

Itchy Eyelids Causes

Eyelids are extremely sensitive and are well supplied with nerves and blood vessels, so even a very light inflammation can cause itchiness. This itchiness is the body’s method of letting you know that there is something bothering the eye or eyelid.

The most common causes of eyelids that itch are systemic or local allergies as well as infectious or inflammatory conditions, such as:

  • Chalazion – inflammation of a blocked oil gland in margin of eyelid

  • Stye or hordeolum – bacterial infection of oil gland or eyelash follicle

  • Blepharitis – inflammation of margin of eyelid

  • Common Cold – viral respiratory infection

  • Hay fever or allergic reaction from dust, pollen, cosmetics, or animal dander

  • Conjunctivitis – inflammation of eye surface

  • Contact dermatitis – local allergic reaction to makeup

When the underlying reason for the itching is diagnosed, it is vital to follow any treatment plan that the healthcare professional designs to reduce any potential complications including:

  • Blindness and loss of vision

  • Eye scarring

  • Spreading of infection

Itchy Eyelids Treatment

Blepharitis can be managed by the application of compresses that are warm as well as washing the eyelids with mild shampoo. In order to use a compress – dampen a washcloth that is clean and put over the eyes that are closed for several minutes and repeat a number of times. These relieve itching as well as assist in opening up the oil glands. The eyelids should be washed with a washcloth that is clean or a cotton swab that is saturated in clean water. Eyelids should be gently scrubbed for around fifteen (15) seconds and then rinse. Do not use the same swab for both eyes. There are also pre-packaged scrubs that can be purchased at any drug store.

Conjunctivitis normally clears up without any treatment unless it is an infection caused by bacteria where prescription antibiotics are necessary. Wet compresses often help get rid of the inflammation but cleanliness also are important. Wash hands frequently in order to help prevent the spreading of Pink Eye.
Abrasions if minor will get well without treatments but injuries that are deeper need medication, ointment as well as often the need to wear a patch.

You're reading Itchy Eyelids posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Allergy problems may be managed with drops, allergy medication over-the-counter or prescription drops – subject to how severe the eyes are affected.

Eye problems occur with Rosacea in about fifty (50) percent of the individuals with this disease. Symptoms can be managed with oral antibiotics.

Itchy Eyelids Relief

In order to repair as well as restore the eyelids the individual should be aware of what exactly is irritating them and stay clear of this substance. Often this is hard to discover at first but maintain a journal of when the symptoms are strongest might be very helpful.

In caring for eyelids that itch, it is essential to couple skin care with cream that is particularly made for use with the delicate skin on the face and eyelids. It should be free of any fragrance, all natural and a face cream that moisturizes deeply.

A natural and effective face cream needs to repair as well as restore cells that are seven (7) layers deep in order to enter the layers that are deepest in the skin. When cream does not penetrate all these layers, the slow exfoliating of cells that are dead will cause cells to clump together in scales are flakes. Ultimately as the epidermis becomes thinner and more delicate and the layer of subcutaneous fat reduces, the skin loses its strong protective feature.

A good quality facial cream needs to also be formulated with herbal botanicals, shea butter and vitamins in order to have the ability to start hydrating and calming skin problems.

Itchy Eyelids Home Remedies

Swollen or itchy eyelids can be helped by drinking lots of fluids since the swelling is usually caused by the retention of water.

There are also various home remedies to relief itchy and swelling eyelids. Cold compresses to the eye are recommended. Gel-filled compresses may be purchased. They are designed to put in the freezer for several minutes and then apply to the eyes for five (5) to ten (10) minutes. Cut slices of cucumbers or potatoes can also be put over the eyes for ten (10) minutes. Another home remedy is to soak a clean cloth in cold milk and apply that for ten (10) minutes.