Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Are Pears Good for You?

Are Pears Good for You?

The pear is a sweet fruit about the size of an apple. The skin of a pear is thin like a paper and it is usually difficult to peel. The skins of pears may vary in color - green, yellow, red, brown, or a combination of these colors. With its light colored flesh, pears taste sweet and quite juicy too. Its texture is buttery soft, but some varieties may have grainy flesh. While most varieties of pears are bell-shaped, some of them are like a rounded apple.

Are Pears Good for You?
The simple answer is yes. With all the vitamins and minerals, pears can be quite beneficial for your health. Pears are juicy. Pears are inexpensive. And, due to their vitamin, mineral, and fiber content, they are a perfect addition to your healthy eating plan.

Here are otherreasons why pears are good for you and why you shouldinclude pears in your diet.

1. It Improves Digestive Health
With about 5.5g of fiber in a medium-sized pear, it works amazingly well to boost your digestive health. Eating dietary fiber is important for your health because it helps your body absorb minerals and vitamins from your food. It also plays a role in relieving Constipation and saves you from dealing with painful Hemorrhoids.

2. It Fights Against Free Radicals
Pears are loaded with antioxidants, and antioxidants help eliminate free radicals from your body that lead to so many types of diseases. Eating a pear will provide you with vitamin A, vitamin C, and flavonoid compounds, such as lutein, beta-carotene, and zea-xanthin, which help rid the body of free radicals and other dangerous compounds.

3. It Prevents Cancer
Are pears good for you in preventing cancer? Yes, they do. That is mainly because the antioxidants it contains have anti-carcinogenic activities. Eating pears regularly will lower your risk of developing different types of cancer, such as rectum, colon, prostate, breast, and lungs.

4. It Boosts Your Immune System
The activities of vitamin C and antioxidants help strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C is essential for proper functioning of your immune system because it accelerates white blood cell production. It is due to this particular reason that pears have long been considered beneficial for the treatment of conditions such as flu, Common Cold, and other conditions that need a stronger immune system for recovery.

5. It Improves Cardiovascular Health
Pears are great for your cardiovascular system mainly because they are a great source of potassium. Known as a vasodilator, potassium dilates your blood vessels and lowers your Blood Pressure. It also prevents clots from developing in blood vessels, which again helps improve your heart health. By lowering blood pressure, you will be in a better position to protect yourself from cardiovascular conditions such as Heart Attacks, Atherosclerosis, and Strokes. Moreover, potassium also helps regulate fluids in your body and keep your body parts and cells well hydrated all the time.

6. It Improves Circulation and RBC Count
Are pears good for your blood health? Yes, pears are extremely beneficial for people suffering from anemia or other mineral deficiencies. You get loads of copper and iron from pears. Copper makes it easy for your body to absorb minerals, whereas iron facilitates red blood cell synthesis. Without enough iron, your body cannot produce enough hemoglobin, the protein that gives blood its red color. Eating pears will improve your iron intake and prevent issues such as cognitive malfunction, fatigue, organ system malfunction, and muscle weakness.

7. It Improves Hair, Skin, and Eyes
Your body cannot function properly in the absence of enough vitamin A, and pears are a rich source of this vitamin. Not only does it contain vitamin A, it also has its subsequent components, such as zea-xanthin and lutein. These components work as antioxidants and also participate in organ functions and enzymatic reactions. By eating pears, you can increase your vitamin A intake and in turn reduce the effects of aging. It reduces Age Spots and prevents wrinkles. Pears are equally effective in reducing Macular Degeneration, hair loss, cataracts, and many other conditions related to the aging process.

8. It Prevents Birth Defects
Regular consumption of pears may help lower the risks of birth defects in newborns. This benefit comes from its folate content. Research shows that folic acid plays a role in reducing neural tube defects in newborns, and you can increase your intake of folate by eating pears. Pregnant women are often asked to take folate supplements, so you can include pears in your diet to get all the folic acid you need.

Enjoying the Benefits of Pears

Are pears good for you? They definitely are. However, you may still find yourself confused between fresh pears and canned pears. The truth is that both fresh and canned pears are equally beneficial for your health. Just make sure to pick canned pears that are packed in 100% fruit juice – do not buy canned pears that contain syrup and added sugars.

For fresh pears, chop them into bite-size pieces and prepare a fruit salad using them. You can also add those pieces in low-fat yogurt for taste. Another great idea is to use thin sLices of pears in place of the jelly in your peanut butter sandwich. You can prepare a delicious and nutritious dessert by sprinkling the pear with nutmeg and cinnamon and then broiling it until it is soft.

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