Monday, June 13, 2016

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

The age-old wisdom behind the benefits of hibiscus tea is supported by latest research. This fragrant tisane is made from the magenta or purple coloured calyces of the hibiscus flower. The brew can be taken steaming hot or chilled, and tastes a lot like cranberry juice. This tangy and tasty beverage is enjoyed by people around the world and is associated with a lot of health benefits, some of which are listed below.

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Manage Blood Pressure
Hibiscus tea is known and recognized for its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. These effects help in controlling blood pressure and can reduce it up to 10 points. According to American Heart Association report, hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure in people with mild Hypertension and is equally effective in pre-hypertensive individuals.

Research has shown that drinking 2-3 cups of hibiscus tea daily significantly lowers the blood pressure and the results are comparable to some anti-hypertensive medications but without the undesired side effects.

Decrease Blood Cholesterol Level
This delicious tea effectively lowers LDL or the “bad cholesterol” levels. With advanced age and high cholesterol levels, the chances of plaque formation in arteries increase, which can result in serious complications. Hibiscus tea is rich in bioflavonoids that prevent the plaque build-up in arteries, and is extremely beneficial from a preventive point of view.

Combat Liver Problems and Diabetes
The benefits of hibiscus tea are well known and its role in treating liver problems is well recognized in eastern medicine since a very long time. It is enriched with a lot of minerals and vitamins and acts as an antioxidant, and such qualities make it an excellent choice to detoxify the liver. In addition, it also has been used to treat and control diabetes in India with promising results.

Help Weight Loss
The key to successful weight loss is eating fewer calories. Hibiscus tea is a natural appetite suppressant and having just one cup of it will make you less hungry. It also affects the absorption and metabolism of fats. Due to decreased absorption, fats are burned more by the body and stored in fewer quantities.

Because of its diuretic and laxative properties, it helps to flush out the impurities and toxins from the body, and the feeling of bloating is significantly reduced. These qualities make it an ideal component of any natural weight loss regimen.

Improve Skin Condition
With aging, the skin loses its natural elasticity and moisture with wrinkles starting to appear. These visible signs of ageing are caused by free radicals. These free radicals are destructive molecules that damage DNA, and speed up the ageing process. Antioxidants are the substances that can combat these free radicals and prevent their undesired effects. Hibiscus tea is full of antioxidants and is very effective in reversing the damage caused by them.

Other Benefits
Other benefits of hibiscus tea include:

  • The anti-Cancer properties of hibiscus tea are due to large quantities of protocatechuic acid found in it. This substance is well known for its anti-Tumor and antioxidant properties.

  • Vitamin C plays a vital role in human body as an anti-inflammatory agent and boosts the immune system. Hibiscus tea contains Vitamin C in great amounts, providing effective relief and prevention from cold and flu.

  • Hibiscus tea restores hormonal balance and provides relief for Menstrual Cramps, and also reduces the severity of PMS symptoms.

  • Hibiscus tea is rich in flavonoids, which provide a calming effect on nervous system and can control the symptoms of anxiety and Depression.

  • It has been used to aid digestion and treat Constipation for a very long time. Hibiscus tea helps to improve bowel movements and improve the overall health of the gastrointestinal system.

  • Consuming hibiscus tea may impart some other benefits such as reducing the intensity of Hot Flashes and solving Dandruff and acne problems as well.

Potential Side Effects
Despite the many benefits of hibiscus tea, there are also a few side effects for you to consider:

  • Drug interactions: Hibiscus tea can interact with drug metabolism and can increase or decrease their efficacy. If you are taking any regular medication, it is best to discuss with your doctor before taking it.

  • Medical risks: Hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure significantly and dilates the blood vessels. It should be avoided by people who have a low blood pressure or who are already on anti-hypertensive medicine.

  • Hallucinogenic effect: This tea impairs concentration and can lead to intoxication and has hallucinogenic effect in some people. It should be avoided before driving or operating heavy machinery.

  • Pregnancy risk: Hibiscus tea contains poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that can cause birth defects in babies. It also interferes with female fertility, and should be avoided during pregnancy.

  • How to Enjoy Hibiscus Tea
    Apart from understanding the benefits of hibiscus tea, it’s also helpful to know how to best enjoy this beverage. Hibiscus tea can be made in many ways, and here is a simple and delicious recipe example:


    • 6 cups of water

    • 3 tablespoon of hibiscus flowers

    • 2 cinnamon sticks

    • 2 tablespoon sugar

    • 1 small sLiced orange

    • 1 lemon, cut in wedges

    • Ice


    Bring water to boil and put hibiscus and cinnamon in it, after turning off the heat. Cover and let it brew for 20 minutes, after that strain the liquid and add sugar, orange and lemon slices. Enjoy the refreshing drink with ice.

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