Monday, August 07, 2017

Green Stool – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Green Stool – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Normal color of feces is varying degrees of brown and it causes concern when you notice any change in color of stool. Not many of you is faMiliar, that it is bacteria that gives the required brown color to the stool and leftover things that is excreted through anus.

The bile in the liver varies from dark green to yellowish brown in color. Bile is released into the duodenum (a small tubing next to the stomach) once you eat anything helping in the process of digestion. Plenty of bacteria (good) is present in the digestive system which acts on the food during digestion and the leftover food particles turns brown in color due to the presence of red blood cells and waste particles of bacteria. Bacteria involves in the process of absorption of nutrients from the food you eat making it brown. Feces can get colored green due to various factors. It can be due to what you ate last night.

Some of the causes that makes your stool green are discussed here :-

1. Foods

Certain foods like spinach, broccoli, kale and dark green vegetables can change the normal color of stool making it greenish. Blueberries and several green veggies contain plenty of chlorophyll content which can turn your stool color to green.

Even processed foods that are of various colors like blue or purple can change the normal stool color. Such items can move quickly through the intestine giving no chance to bile to work on them causing green stool.

2. Improper Breakdown Of Bile

Bile fluid gets released when you eat something to facilitate the digestion process. Fat particles of the food would break down properly due to the presence of bile. In this process bile has to be broken down while passing through the intestine. But due to some digestive problems like Diarrhea or stomach cramps, bile content along with food would go past the intestine without getting fully absorbed resulting in green stool in the morning.

3. Medications

Any new drugs you are taking can change the color of the stool. Strong antibiotics that are prescribed for bacterial infection can destroy good bacteria present in the stomach that are responsible for giving brown color to the stool. This can cause green stool. Many other medications like iron supplements, NSAID’s and even contraceptive pills can alter the normal stool color.

4. Diarrhea

Diarrhea caused by infection or food Poisoning or food intolerance can change the normal stool color. Digestion process of the gut is completely disturbed due to infection resulting to liquid greenish stool.

Similarly when the bad bacteria outgrows in number of good ones it can upset the gastrointestinal tract causing green stool. Salmonella bacteria and some parasites and viruses can cause green stool.

5. Chronic Problems

Certain problems like Crohn’s disease and Celiac Disease can occur due to gluten intolerance resulting in passage of food particles quickly through the intestine. This can cause green stool in the morning.

Chronic (long term) problems in the gut like gas, bloated stomach and acid reflux can move the food faster than normal timing resulting in poor absorption of bile causing green stool. Irritable bowel syndrome and Colitis can also cause green stool daily.

6. Anal Fissures

Anal fissures can develop due to frequent Constipation and passing of hard stool through the anus. Hard stool particles can tear the soft lining of the anus causing blood leakage in the stool. Stool color can be black, dark red and sometimes green.

7. Laxatives

If you are using laxatives frequently you can get green stool.

Green Stool

Green Stool Symptoms :

It is not necessary that you may get other symptoms with green stool. Some people can have green stool when they eat chlorophyll rich content previous day. But there can be signs of flatulence, bloated feeling, gas, stomach cramps, and diarrhea accompanied with green stool. These symptoms are indicative of underlying disease and infection which needs to be consulted with doctor.

Newborns can commonly get green stool if they are breastfed which has nothing to worry. Some people can have flu like symptoms along with foul smelling green stool which can be of infection. It is not a matter of concern if you get green stool once in a while. People suffering from anal fissures can have tearing of lining of anus causing red bloody stool. But if you get green stool consistently with or without other symptoms you need to check your GP. Any blood leakage in your stool can be of serious issue inside.

Complications :

Green stool passage frequently can cause diarrhea like symptoms. The individual can get dehydrated soon with loss of bodily fluids and his potassium level can go down drastically. Consistent green stool can result in malnutrition due to poor absorption of nutrients in the gut.

Green Stool Treatment :

  • There is no need to treat if you are getting green stool once in a while after taking something green or bright colored food.

  • However your doctor would analyze the problem if you have frequent green stool after checking with blood and stool report and prescribe suitable medications for the problem.

  • Antibiotics are prescribed for treating bacterial infection causing green stool.

  • Drugs are recommended in proper dosage for chronic problems like IBS or celiac disease. You need to be choosy in what you eat and follow the instructions of your doctor in the diet.

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