Showing posts with label Distended Stomach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distended Stomach. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2016

Distended Stomach – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Distended Stomach – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

The stomach is an organ that connects esophagus with the intestine. It is the vital structure wherein primary digestion of food we eat occurs. It is a muscular pear shaped organ that can expand to any size while filled with food/drink. The stomach is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen and releases several digestive secretions and enzymes helping in the process of digestion. Bloating sensation is a feeling of fullness in the stomach. This can be experienced by many people and they feel “full” after eating little food. Your stomach can expand up to 3 times or even 4 times when you are eating a tasteful dinner. Since there is no bone in the abdomen, the stomach can expand any-fold with food, gas or fluids. The entire abdomen can distend with food or gas and is described as distended stomach. In common terms distended stomach is called as bloated stomach or swollen stomach.

Distended stomach

Distended Stomach Symptoms :

  • Feeling of fullness in the stomach

  • Moderate to severe pain in the abdomen

  • Constant belching and burping

  • Gurgling of stomach

  • Difficulty in breathing when you are lying down

  • Sudden increase in weight

  • Reduced appetite

  • Heartburn and acid reflux

  • Nausea and vomiting

Causes Of Distended Stomach :

Some of the causes of distended stomach are given here :

  • Fluid Accumulation :

Excess of fluid build-up in the abdomen is known as Ascites in medical terms. This condition can happen due to several factors including the liver problems like cirrhosis, liver infection and overuse of alcohol. Fluid gets accumulated and fills the entire space between the vital organs and lining of the abdomen.

A soft thin layer of tissue covers the entire organs present in the abdominal cavity, which is called as peritoneum. The condition of inflammation (swelling) of inner lining of abdomen is known as peritonitis. This is a serious condition warranting immediate medical attention. This can occur due to several reasons like kidney problems, liver infection, bacterial or fungal infections, Appendicitis, rupture in the colon, Pancreatitis and diverticulitis.

  • Internal Bleeding :

Rupture in the blood vessel, failure of blood clotting and intake of certain medications can cause internal bleeding in the abdomen. Any injury or trauma to the abdomen can affect the organs inside leading to internal bleeding. Gradual collection of blood can exert pressure on the internal organs thus impairing their function (hematoma) and in some cases excess loss of blood would cause hemorrhagic shock leading to brain damage or even death.

Irritation and inflammation of the mucosal lining and formation of sores in the stomach is described as Peptic Ulcers. Bacterial infection and overuse of NSAID’s can induce peptic ulcers causing distended stomach.

  • Trauma or Injury :

Any sudden blow and trauma to the abdomen can affect the normal functions of the stomach causing bloated stomach. Accidental injury can seriously interrupt the functions of the abdominal cavity.

  • Hernia :

The condition in which the abdominal wall gets weakened allowing some parts of the abdomen to protrude is known as hernia. A part of the intestine or tissues can bulge creating an opening in the weak spots of the abdominal wall causing bulging of stomach (distended stomach), difficulty in eating, pain/discomfort in the affected area.

  • Liver Problems :

Cirrhosis (scarring) of liver, liver infections, alcoholic liver disease and hepatomegaly (Enlarged Liver) can cause bloated stomach with pain.

  • Heart Problems :

Sudden high Blood Pressure, Coronary Artery Disease, myocarditis, and heart valve defects can cause distension of stomach along with other symptoms.

  • Gallbladder Problems :

Formation of stones in the gallbladder, gallbladder Cancer and inflammation can cause distended stomach with pain.

  • Kidney Problems :

Polycystic kidney, Tumor in the kidneys and kidney infection can affect the normal functions of the digestive tract leading to bloated feeling in the stomach with severe pain in the right upper quadrant.

  • Colon :

Any disease, infection or block in the colon can certainly cause pain in the stomach and bloated feeling. Conditions like diverticulosis, cancer in the colon and Colitis can cause such problems.

Spleen infection and enlargement of spleen (splenomegaly) can be caused due to heart failure, Lymphoma, liver cirrhosis and thrombosis causing severe pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen and bloated stomach.

  • Stomach :

Stomach Cancer and polyps in the stomach can cause pain with distended stomach.

Pancreas cancer, inflammation of the pancreas and Abscess inside the pancreas can cause considerable pain in the upper left portion of the abdomen with distended stomach.

  • Bladder :

Bladder infection and inflammation of the bladder can cause over-distension of the stomach.

  • Reproductive Organs :

Any problem in the uterus, genitalia and scrotum can cause bulging of lower portion of the abdomen in the umbilical region. Other diseases like appendicitis, abscess or tumors in the abdomen and certain problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and irritable bowel disease can cause distended stomach. Swallowing of air along with food can easily cause bloated stomach.

Distended stomach

Home Remedies :

  • Reduce taking carbonated drinks.

  • Avoid talking while eating and eat slowly after chewing the food.

  • Reduce the intake of gas items.

  • Eat plenty of fiber rich foods to prevent Constipation.

Tests :

Your doctor would first complete physical exam, paying more attention to the areas of bulging abdomen. He may order for series of tests like stool analysis, blood culture, barium test, Colonoscopy test, gastric emptying tests and imaging tests like X-ay and CT scan.

Distended Stomach Treatment :

Root cause of the problem should be diagnosed and treated. Treatment approach varies according to the symptoms and other health conditions. Antispasmodics like Bentyl or Levsin are effective in relaxing the muscles of the gut reducing bloated sensation. Probiotics are good in treating bacterial infection and constipation. Prokinetics are effective in reducing bloating. Antidepressants are prescribed in low dose to improve bloating and distension of the stomach. Medications like citalopram or Elavil are prescribed according to the symptoms and health condition of the patient. Check with your doctor if you have constant belching or burping due to acid reflux.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Distended Stomach

Distended Stomach

Distended stomach is the condition in which the stomach extends its girth. Stomach distends when there is enough pressure inside the abdominal wall and due to bloating sensation. Even a simple gas problem can make the stomach to distend. Obviously distended stomach will increase the size of the abdomen. There are various factors that can distend the stomach and it can be managed by eating healthy foods and by avoiding oils and carbonated drinks. One should not ignore stomach distension since it can be due to Edema or fluid accumulation inside the abdomen or in any of the internal organs of abdomen.

Symptoms :

Stomach distension can be easily identified by many signs. There will be bloating and excess of burping. For some people there may be frequent release of gas. There may be feeling of fullness and sometimes it is accompanied with Diarrhea or Constipation problems. In severe cases distended stomach may show symptoms of vomiting, nausea, dizziness and irritability. There can be loss of sleep at night because of frequent urination. In severe cases, there can be bloody discharge in the stool and you should visit your doctor without any delay.

The stomach will protrude forward and may feel warm to touch if the distension is due to inflammation inside the abdomen.

Causes :

Various factors are involved for stomach distension. From the simple reason of intestinal gas to the most complicated intestinal disease many conditions can cause distended stomach.

Building of intestinal gas can cause stomach distension. When excess of air is swallowed along with food it can cause incomplete breakdown of food particles causing indigestion and distended stomach. It can be due to over eating or eating very fast.

Women may have distended stomach prior to their monthly periods. For some people it is an obvious sign for obesity or excess of weight. Pregnancy will certainly make the stomach distended due to increase in the size of the uterus.

Certain diseases can cause distension of stomach. Food Allergy, constipation, improper bowel movement, intolerance of certain food, bowel obstruction, amebic infection, Intestinal Parasites and Crohn’s disease can cause stomach distension.

Other health issues that can cause stomach distension are Celiac Disease, diverticulitis, abdominal tumor, intestinal disorder, cyst in the ovary, cancerous growth in the ovary, fibroids in the uterus, and increase in the accumulation of fluid inside stomach, increased acidity and malnutrition.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will physically examine your stomach and look for additional symptoms. For identifying the right cause, he may ask you to take series of tests which include stool examination, scanning of abdomen, and Colonoscopy.

Treatment :

Treatment for stomach distension depends on the underlying factor. Your doctor will find out the real factor that has caused stomach distension.

If distension of stomach is caused due to intestinal gas you need to change your food habits and eating style. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily food and avoid oily fatty foodstuff.

Take enough of fiber rich foods in your daily meal to avoid constipation problem. Consume fully cooked food and reduce the intake of grilled or fried items. Avoid taking processed foods and reduce daily coffee or tea. Ginger and garlic can be added liberally in your daily meal to avoid distended stomach.

In case if the stomach distension is due to bacterial infection which is confirmed in stool analysis your doctor will prescribe suitable antibiotics for destroying bacteria. There are millions of bacteria in our stomach and most of them are beneficial for good digestion. But some of them are harmful causing gas problem and bloated sensation.

Lack of normal digestive enzymes can cause distension of stomach and digestive problems. Avoid eating packaged food items which has no enzymes that facilitates digestion process.

Do regular exercises and eat plenty of fresh fruits to keep your health in good condition.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Distended Stomach – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Distended Stomach – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Distended Stomach Symptoms

Abdomen distention is often accompanied with various other symptoms and signs. Distended stomachs along with the other symptoms are an aid to diagnosing the condition. The symptoms and signs that often accompany abdominal distention are:

  • Excess burping and flatulence

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Changes in hormones in the body

  • Absence of menstruation in females

  • Feeling of fullness in the abdomen

  • Frequent urination at night

  • Vomiting

  • Nausea

  • Irritability

The treatment of a distended stomach is based on the cause of the condition. Diagnosis is the main thing, after which only a suitable treatment can be given. A single treatment method is not necessarily required to treat the distended abdomen especially since it has many causes. Even if accompanied by many symptoms.

A medical professional should be visited if the abdomen is tender to the touch, swelling of abdomen gets worse and if the symptoms are many.

Distended Stomach Causes

A distended stomach or abdomen has many reasons. There are different disease conditions that may lead to this problem. As mention already, distended bloating of the stomach is usually caused by intestinal gas. Intestinal gas may be a result of air being swallowed thru the mouth, and the incompletion of the breakdown of certain foods. Many individuals seem to have this difficulty of a stomach that is distended after eating, that could be a consequence of over eating, intolerance of some foods as well as indigestion. At times distention of the stomach may similarly be triggered by gaining weight or obesity. Women can suffer with this condition prior to or during menstruation.

But, stomachs which are distended can as well be a symptom of many main health conditions, particularly when the distention continues for a significant length of time. The diseases or health problems that can be linked to distended stomach are:

Peritoneal cavity fluid may accumulate because of Congestive Heart Failure, liver cirrhosis, and peritoneal carcinomatosis.

You're reading Distended Stomach – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Other diseases that are rare and can cause distended abdomen or stomach include:

  • Coccidiosis

  • Diverticulitis

  • Hookworm disease

  • Giardiasis

Distended Stomach Treatment

Physicians usually look for indications as well as conduct a very detailed physical exam to discover, if the stomach distension is because of indigestion and gas or some further medical problem. If stomach distension is sporadic, it is usually credited to an intensification of intestinal gas. But, nonstop distension of the stomach for a significant time period can be a signal of major health problems. Such a situation normally requires some wide-ranging analytical test, for example:

  • X-rays of stomach and intestine

  • MRI

  • CT scan

  • Ultrasound of abdominal region

  • Specific tests for Malabsorption as well as food intolerance

The management for distended stomach may be directed by underlying conditions. A case of indigestion or intestinal gas can be helped with a few daily life as well as dietary modifications.

Eating fruit which is fresh, vegetables as well as a diet rich in fiber can help problems of the digestive tract. Evading eating excessive amounts of treated foods, as well as greasy or fatty foods also can help to ease stomach bloating and distension.

Exercising regularly is an additional way to manage digestive health as well as intestinal gas and indigestion. But, if a distended stomach is triggered by other conditions than gas, then treatment approaches which are different are required and these would be solely determined by the causal condition.

Therefore, the correct identification of the underlying condition is of the highest importance for appropriate management of stomachs that are distended. If it is erratic, then the individual should be able to gain relief with consistent exercising together with a balanced diet. But if the stomach is distended for a long time and also accompanied by diarrhea, constipation vomiting as well as rectal bleeding, then perhaps it is time to contemplate visiting your physician. Such a situation can be a symptom of diseases that are more severe, and need to be properly appraised and treated on time.

Distended Stomach Pictures