Showing posts with label Leukorrhea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leukorrhea. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Discharge During Pregnancy (Leukorrhea) – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Discharge During Pregnancy (Leukorrhea) – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Pregnancy is a wonderful period for women wherein plenty of emotional, mental and physical changes occur. Lot of hormones comes into action and the womb and abdomen slowly grows in size giving room for the fetus. It is not uncommon for whitish vaginal discharge during pregnancy which is known as leukorrhea in medical terms.

Thin milk like fluid comes out of vagina during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Many women would notice this milky white discharge after they have missed the period and often this discharge continue throughout the pregnancy. The discharge becomes heavy during the final trimester of pregnancy and often women may start using panty liners.

For some women, vaginal discharge may contain strains of blood during the last term of pregnancy which is an early sign of labor. It is not good to use tampons during pregnancy since you are likely to invite infection through germs. Avoid vaginal douching totally during pregnancy since it can affect the growth of healthy bacteria inside. If you have any doubts about vaginal discharge during pregnancy you can always check with your doctor.

Symptoms Of Discharge During Pregnancy :

The following symptoms are definitely a matter of concern during pregnancy :-

  • Foul smelling vaginal discharge

  • Strains of blood in vagina

  • Yellow colored or greenish yellow vaginal discharge

  • Persistent itchy feeling in vagina

  • Abdominal cramps with Vaginal Bleeding

  • If you experience any of the above symptoms you need to consult your doctor promptly. It can be vaginal infection which should be treated immediately to prevent complication.

  • Candida infection is common during early stage of pregnancy which should be treated with prescription medications promptly.

  • If you observe any change in vaginal discharge you need to notify your doctor without any delay.

    Discharge During Pregnancy Causes :

    Several factors can cause vaginal discharge during pregnancy.

    1. Action Of Hormones

    Once a woman becomes pregnant, her monthly periods would stop. As the fertilization takes place to form a zygote which gets implanted in the womb several changes may occur. Extra lining of the uterus would shed off resulting in red spots once in a while. Plenty of hormones are secreted creating changes in cervix area. The walls of the vagina and cervix become soft and it is quite common to get extra vaginal discharge.

    2. Increased Discharge

    As the stage of pregnancy grows into final trimester, the baby’s head may exert pressure on the vagina resulting in increased discharge.

    3. Process Of Cleaning

    To prevent any infection, the defense mechanism of the body would act producing plenty of hormones for keeping the vagina clean. These extra chemicals can cause increased discharge of whitish fluid from your vagina.

    4. Yeast Infection

    Candida infection can occur during pregnancy and gets transmitted through sex. This can cause foul smelling yellowish discharge with burning pain while passing urine. If left untreated, it can affect the growth of developing fetus. Based on the symptom, your doctor may prescribe medications and vaginal cream.

    5. STD

    Having sex with unknown persons can result in sexually transmitted diseases. As per the recommendations of CDC every pregnant woman is to be screened for STD before the first appointment for prenatal checkup. Taking precautions and getting treated promptly can save the health of your baby.

    6. Placental Abruption

    In rare cases, the placenta (thin tube that connects your baby with womb) may separate from the womb either fully or partially before the labor. This can happen during the final trimester of pregnancy resulting in heavy bleeding with pain. Consult your doctor immediately since it can result in lack of oxygen supply and essential nutrients to your fetus.

    Discharge During Pregnancy

    7. Miscarriage or Abortion

    According to the statistics, 10-20% of pregnancy ends up in miscarriage for reasons not known. Miscarriage often occurs during the first trimester 8-20 weeks of pregnancy. It can occur due to weak uterus or chromosomal abnormalities. Miscarriage can cause vaginal bleeding with abdominal cramps. Your doctor would order for ultrasound scan to check the status of uterus.

    8. Premature Labor

    Labor pain can suddenly start resulting in contractions of the uterus leading to the opening of cervix. This can happen during last trimester or before completion of 35 weeks. Preterm birth children are often weak and unhealthy. Symptoms of premature labor start with backache and sudden pelvic contractions for every 10 minutes which increases gradually and severe cramps in the abdomen. It can cause severe leakage of amniotic fluid from the vagina along with other symptoms resembling flu.

    9. PreEclampsia

    About 5% of pregnant women are likely to develop Preeclampsia. This is a severe condition affecting women with uncontrolled Blood Pressure during pregnancy. Complications can develop in kidney or liver during the second trimester of pregnancy. With proper medical care vital complications can be prevented. Preeclampsia can cause increased blood pressure, high protein in the urine, blurred vision, Headache, nausea and vomiting and Water Retention in the legs.

    10. Reduced Amniotic Fluid

    Sudden reduction of amniotic fluid can harm the growing baby. This condition is known as oligohydramnios in medical terms. This happens in the final stages of pregnancy and sometimes this warrant for C-section delivery.

    11. Ectopic Pregnancy

    This is another serious condition wherein the egg or zygote gets implanted outside the uterus. The egg can get implanted in the fallopian tube and induced abortion is the only option for treating ectopic pregnancy. This can cause internal bleeding and heavy vaginal discharge.

    12. Placenta Previa

    This is yet another serious condition wherein the placenta lies abnormally low in the womb remaining close to the cervix. This condition can cause heavy vaginal bleeding and depending on the condition of the fetus, the delivery would be induced early.

    Tips For Preventing Complications During Pregnancy :

    • Avoid having unsafe sex during pregnancy since it is liable to infection and STD

    • Avoid using scented soap and avoid vaginal douching

    • Always keep your vagina clean and dry

    • Wear loose cotton undergarments

    • Add curd and yogurt in your daily diet

    • Wear panty liners to manage occasional vaginal discharge

    • Quit smoking and drinking

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    Leukorrhea – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, During Pregnancy

    Leukorrhea – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, During Pregnancy

    What is Leukorrhea?

    This is the medical term for a definite kind of vaginal discharge that is most common during pregnancy as well as at additional times during the reproductive years. If an individual has leukorrhea, it may be a sticky as well as thick vaginal discharge that is yellow, green or white. It may vary with the menstrual cycle of the woman as her hormone levels change.

    Discharges from the vagina are normally a sign of vaginal Yeast Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis, or sexually transmitted diseases. Leukorrhea may or may not be an indication of the presence of an infection, and it is not normally accompanied by any other symptoms or signs, such as itching, pain, irritation or burning, or redness of the tissue. Only a qualified medical professional can advise a woman whether there is an infection.

    If a woman has any type vaginal discharge which is unusual during pregnancy or at any other time, she should always consult with her primary care physician before using any over-the-counter therapy or home remedies.

    Leukorrhea Symptoms

    This condition might last for weeks or even months. But, it needs to be treated correctly in the primary stages only so as not let it becomes protracted. This discharge is mostly experienced in the course of puberty, while the sexual structures of the female are evolving. This discharge is typically caused by an infection being present in some of the tissues of the vagina.

    Symptoms of leukorrhea can include:

    • A whitish discharge from the vagina

    • Lethargy

    • Thick, viscid as well as foul smelling discharge – mainly during puberty

    • Pain in the lumbar region and the calves

    • Black patches under the eyes

    • Weakness

    • Digestive disturbances

    • Spots on undergarments

    • Dragging sensation in the abdomen

    • Intense itching in the genital region

    • Constipation

    • Irritability

    • Headaches which are frequent

    Leukorrhea Causes

    A small amount of discharge from the area of the vagina is normal; but a physician should be consulted when there are any of the following conditions:

    • White discharge sufficient as to soil underclothes

    • Discomfort during sexual intercourse

    • Itching around anus accompanies vaginal discharge

    Leukorrhea can exist in non-pregnant females in the course of ovulation, the beginning of infections of the vagina or sexually transmitted diseases, or prior to a girl’s first menstrual period. Such discharges exist often in some disorders, for instance:

    You're reading Leukorrhea – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, During Pregnancy posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    • Chronic cervix infections

    • Syphilis a chronic infectious disease contracted through sexual intercourse

    • Excessive or insufficient ovarian hormones

    • Gonorrhea which is a contagious inflammation of the genital mucous membrane

    • Uterine Cancer

    These conditions that can cause leukorrhea need management by a primary care physician.

    There are also two parasitic infections that are very common and also cause leukorrhea. They are:

    • Trichomonas vaginalis which is a parasitic, anaerobic organism

    • Candida albicans – diploid organism

    A Trichomonas infection results in a tenacious type of leukorrhea. This infection comprises the membrane lining of the vagina as well as the cervix. It creates a vaginal discharge as well as causes inflammation which is chronic. A Candida infection causes extreme itching of the vagina and cervix and creates white, thick, vaginal discharge.

    Leukorrhea During Pregnancy

    Leukorrhea can be a very first sign of pregnancy, but it is not always a clear identifier by itself. But in the presence of further signs, for example morning sickness, frequent urination and/or a period being missed, the woman ought to take a pregnancy test for verification.

    When present while pregnant, leukorrhea is caused by the increasing generation of hormones, including estrogen as well as bigger flow of blood to the vagina area. It is a blend of secretions from the cervix as well as the vagina, dead skin cells as well as normal flora of bacteria from the vagina. It is not unsafe and it is not a sign of any problem.

    Leukorrhea Treatment

    Leukorrhea is considered a normal portion of being pregnant and is not essential to be treated or stopped. Most women may be more at ease using a liner for the panty especially when this discharge becomes too heavy. The area of the vagina needs to be kept dry and clean and women should abstain from wearing nylons or tight pants.

    Tips for curbing leukorrhea include:

    • Elude non-vegetarian diet such as eggs, meat, fish etc.

    • Drink lots of water

    • Consume ghee, milk, green vegetables in extra quantities

    • Vaginal area should be kept clean and dry

    Remedies to Elude Leukorrhea

    • Take about 1 tsp. coriander seeds and soak in a glass water during the night and drink this water every morning. Do this for one week.

    • Create a douche out of leaves of Guava. This mixture will act like an astringent as well as it provide valuable results.

    • Banana together with ghee: Eat one totally ripened banana with 1 tsp. ghee every day.

    • Gooseberry powder: Take five grams of the powder from the Indian gooseberry and mix with five grams sugar candy concentrate.

    • When cooking rice, do not throw out the water recycled from making the rice. Mix sugar to this rice water and drink it.

    • Take eight to ten leaves of the Rosewood tree plus 25 grams sugar candy. Grind together and eat each morning.

    • Add 20 grams of Triphala powder to two liters of water, boil for about 15 minutes. Filter the solution and use it as a douche while still hot.