Monday, May 09, 2016

Itchy Rectum and Anus – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Itchy Rectum and Anus – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Itchy anus and itchy rectum is a common problem for millions of people. Itch is often persistent and intense and the affected person cannot control his/her urge to scratch. Itchy rectum and anus is indeed an embarrassing problem causing discomfort. Anal itching is caused by various factors like Hemorrhoids, skin problems, diabetes, improper diet, excess of sweating and much more. Most of the problem would settle with self care measures and some may require medical intervention. More men than women have anal itching and for many of them it occurs without any known cause.

Causes :

Many factors can cause irritation of the skin folds of the anus region leading to itchy rectum and anus.

  • Personal Habits :

Some people would wash too much or too little after using toilet. Both are considered to cause skin irritation. Using high intense perfumed soaps and fragrances can certainly affect the anus/rectum. Don’t use toilet papers that contain perfumes; instead go for normal ones. High intensity perfumes can trigger allergic reaction causing severe itching. Heightened emotions and anxiety can cause itching on the anus region. So learn to control your emotions by practicing meditation.

Taking too much of chocolates and coffee/tea can affect the normal balance of the anus. Similarly eating dairy products like cheese and related ones can induce itching on the rectum. Drinking beer can also cause irritation. Taking hot and spicy foods can tear the rectal walls during bowel movement. Too much of sweating can also affect the skin balance causing itchy rectum/anus.

  • Infections :

Bacterial and viral infections can occur in the anus region. Women are likely to develop Yeast Infection caused by Candida albicans. This may cause itchy anus and rectum. Pinworms present in this area can cause itching. Genital warts can trigger this problem leading to persistent itching.

Itchy Rectum Anus

Conditions :

  • Certain medical conditions like psoriasis or dermatitis can lead to itchy rectum.

  • Hemorrhoids can cause inflammation of blood vessels triggering itching.

  • Certain medications can induce itchy feeling in the anus.

  • In rare cases, anal tumors and chronic Diarrhea can affect the anus causing itching.

Symptoms :

Persistent itching on the anus region is the common symptom. For some people, itching may become intense during night and after using toilet. In severe cases rashes may develop in the anus causing red patches. Children are more prone to develop intense itching at night which can be due to pinworms. If the symptoms are ignored it can affect their quality of sleep.

Tests :

No special tests are needed to detect anal itching. Your doctor may consider your age, sex, personal habits and any medical conditions. He may listen to the symptoms and if needed he might physically examine the rectal region. Depending on the severity of itching Colonoscopy would be done to get exact picture.

Itchy Rectum Anus

Treatment :

Anal itching does not require any medical treatment in most of the cases. Self care measures and personal hygiene is enough to get rid of persistent itching. Over the counter ointments like hydrocortisone cream can be applied on the anus at night. This can make much difference in itching. In case of bacterial infection antibiotics are prescribed. Yeast infections can be treated with suitable creams. It is better to consult your GP if you have bloody discharge from the rectum which can be hemorrhoids. Your doctor may recommend removal of hemorrhoids by giving a shot of anesthetic on the anus region. Antihistamines are highly effective in controlling itching which can be combined with anti-itch creams.

Changes In Lifestyle :

  • Itching on the rectum can be reduced considerably by keeping the area clean and dry.

  • After using toilet, clean the area gently with water. Don’t use scented soaps or toilet paper. Don’t scrub on the area since the skin is very soft.

  • After bathing dry the body completely. Instead of rubbing the area with towel you can gently pat it dry. You can use a hair dryer also on low speed for complete drying.

  • Whenever there is itchy sensation don’t scratch the area since it can make things worse. Instead you can apply wet towel on the area gently or if possible take an oatmeal bath.

  • Wear cotton under-garments or loose clothing at night. This can help in absorbing moisture thus reducing itching.

  • Avoid using genital deodorants or perfumed soaps or any other fragrances that might trigger irritation.

  • Reduce the intake of coffee or other caffeinated drinks.

  • Avoid spicy foods at night since it can cause irritation of the rectal skin during bowel movements.

  • Include plenty of fiber in your diet to have soft stool and to prevent Constipation.

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