What Is A Yeast Infection?Overgrowth of yeast cells in your body causes a type of infection which is commonly known as the yeast infection. This type of infection usually develops in specific areas of the body where you sweat a lot and the body parts which create moist like the mouth, throat, armpits, navel, genitals, and others. The name of the fungus that causes the infection is Candida Albicans or Candida in short.According to several medical studies it has been stated that most of the women and men suffer from yeast infection at least once in a lifetime. But the studies also have proved that this infection is more common amongst the women compared to men. Nearly 75% of women throughout the world suffer from a yeast infection. To be precise, every eight women out of ten have experienced this infection at least once. There is no particular age limit. Yeast infection can affect anyone at any age. What Are The Risk Factors For A Yeast Infection?Now you must be thinking about the reasons that can cause this yeast infection. Well, to be precise there is no particular reason for such a yeast infection. But according to the medical experts, the following conditions are noted as the primary reasons responsible for the infection.Hormones – Hormonal discrepancies, especially during a woman’s pregnancy, menopause or breastfeeding period, can cause a yeast infection. Diabetes – The increase of sugar sometimes is the reason for a yeast infection, if your diabetes is not under control. Sex – If your partner is suffering from such infection you are most likely to be affected too by a sexual contact. But it is to remember that yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease. Weak Immune System – Another reason which causes the yeast to grow is your weak immune system. The Affected Areas and The SymptomsUsually, the yeast infection occurs around the vaginal areas of a woman body. But sometimes it reaches to lower abdomen, under the breasts, beneath other skin folds, and nail beds. The symptoms are quite prominent and visible for this infection that one can easily recognize and spot the affected area. Extreme itchiness in and around the infected skin will automatically drag your attention to that particular part of your body even if you are not much concerned. In case you are suffering from a vaginal infection then it might cause pain and discomfort due to the inflammation while urinating and sexual intercourses. Sometimes there will also be a thick odourless white discharge.Home Remedies For Yeast InfectionIt might happen that one day you woke up with a burning sensation in the private or sweaty parts of your body. But you might feel hesitant to rush for a consultant immediately. If that is the scenario then you can have a look at these magical home remedies which might help you to get rid of such an awkward inflammation. 1. Apple Cider Vinegar The antifungal components of apple cider vinegar can give you relief from the itching and inflammation. Apple cider vinegar works both internally and externally to fight the yeast infection.
2. Yogurt Not all bacteria are harmful. Some bacteria are beneficial enough to keep your body healthy and fit. Yogurt is the most surprising healer you can find in your kitchen. Natural yogurt contains one of those beneficial bacteria called Lactobacillus that can win the battle against any yeast infection.
4. Boric AcidBoric acid is a common household chemical that keeps the small insects like cockroaches, ants and others out of your house. But do not get surprised by the fact that this can also reduce your irritation caused by a yeast infection. Doctors even prescribe to use boric acids when other antifungal capsules or remedies fail to heal the infected area.
5. Tea Tree OilThe effective antibacterial and antifungal components of tea tree oil are a natural wonder to soothe the inflamed skin caused by yeast infection.
7. Garlic Garlic has the powerful and effective antibacterial, antifungal properties that help to cure several infections including the yeast infection.
9. Olive Leaf Extract Olive leaf extract is another magical substance with effective antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which helps to cure any sort of yeast infections.
11. Green TeaGreen tea is full of antioxidants that help to boost your immune system and fight against the yeast infection.
- You can add apple cider vinegar to water and take a hot bath for at least one hour. It will eventually decrease the irritation.
- Not only having a bath but you can also drink apple cider vinegar mixed with water daily for a few days till your pain goes away. In a glass of warm water, mix 1-2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and your drink is ready.
- You can also clean the affected area externally by apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Mix it with water, then directly apply to the infection and rinse it well after at least half an hour.
![Home Remedies For Yeast Infection](https://diseasespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Home-Remedies-For-Yeast-Infection-1024x735.jpg)
- The more you will increase the amount of natural yogurt in your daily diet, the more it will control the growth of unwanted yeast cells in your body.
- For a yeast infection in vagina, you can dip a tampon in plain unsweetened yogurt. Then insert the tampon inside and leave for two hours. You will need to do this twice daily until the inflammation decreases.
- Even one can apply the yogurt directly on to the infected parts of his or her body. You can leave it overnight and wait to see the wonder next morning.
- But remember only unsweetened and plain yogurt helps to lessen the burning sensation of a yeast infection.
- You can apply a thin layer of organic coconut oil to the infection which will eventually soothe the irritation. You can even add a few drops of cinnamon oil to increase its medical value. But before applying anything directly to the infected skin, you should always clean and wash the area.
- In case you are struggling to get rid of oral Thrush, you can wash your mouth with this oil for five to ten minutes. Repeat this process for thrice a day to notice the difference. You can also add few drops of cinnamon or tea tree oil for better results. But do not gulp the mixture.
![Home Remedies For Yeast Infection](https://diseasespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Home-Remedies-For-Yeast-Infection-2-1024x735.jpg)
- You can dilute some boric acid with plain water and apply it over the affected skin. Leave it for a few minutes before rinsing it off. Regular wash with this diluted mixture will surely stop the yeast from growing.
- But this remedy should be avoided by the pregnant women. Don’t use on injuries to avoid excess absorption and also don’t take orally.
![Home Remedies For Yeast Infection](https://diseasespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Home-Remedies-For-Yeast-Infection-3-1024x735.jpg)
- For treating the vaginal yeast infection, soak your tampon with drops of tea tree oil and then insert it inside for three to four hours. You will need to repeat the process twice a day until the infection disappears.
- You can even mix this essential oil with honey and directly apply to the infected area. You can also dilute the oil with some warm water if you do not have enough honey. Use the mixture several times a day till your inflammation goes away.
- Pregnant women should avoid this process as some of the components of tea tree oil might have harmful effects on their babies.
- Dilute the oil with some drops of olive oil or plain warm water and then apply directly on to the affected skin. Repeat this process for a couple of weeks to completely eliminate the infection.
- You can even take one or 2 capsules of oregano oil doubly each day for many weeks to heal the infection internally.
![Home Remedies For Yeast Infection](https://diseasespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Home-Remedies-For-Yeast-Infection-4-1024x735.jpg)
- Firstly you can chew some fresh garlic cloves daily for treatment of a yeast infection. But in most of the times eating fresh garlic causes bad breath.
- Alternatively, you can crush a few garlic cloves, make a thick paste out of it and apply it gently to the affected area.
- You can also use garlic oil. Dilute the oil with few drops of coconut oil and vitamin E oil and then rub the diluted mixture on the infected area for better results.
- You can replace your regular tea by adding some calendula extract to treat the yeast infection. But pregnant women should avoid having tea with calendula extract.
- If you have fresh calendula, then crush two or three leaves and apply those on the affected areas. Follow this method twice or thrice a day for a couple of weeks to notice a change.
![Home Remedies For Yeast Infection](https://diseasespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Home-Remedies-For-Yeast-Infection-5-1024x735.jpg)
- Put some finely chopped olive leaves into an airtight glass jar. Soak the leaves in Vodka for at least four weeks to prepare the olive leaf extract. After that, you will need to strain the liquid into some another pot.
- Apply this solution gently on your affected areas two or three times a day for better results.
- You have Cranberry capsules three or two times a day to get relief from yeast infection.
- You can even drink recent and no-sweet fruit juice many times daily and eventually get the results.
![Home Remedies For Yeast Infection](https://diseasespictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Home-Remedies-For-Yeast-Infection-6-1024x735.jpg)
- You can directly apply some green tea on the affected area to eliminate the inflammation caused by the infection.
- Start drinking two / three cups of green tea daily to control the growth of the yeast in your body.
- You can even add few drops of honey or lemon into your drink.
- Try to wear some loose-fitting cotton clothes and give your skin enough space to breathe. Tight clothes and sweating make your skin moist creating a better place for the yeasts to grow.
- Reduce sugar consumptions to avoid yeast infections. Sugar invites the yeast in most of the cases.
- Avoid taking antibiotics on a regular basis as this causes the imbalance of bacteria in your body.
- To avoid the genital yeast infection, always keep your private parts clean and dry.
- Improve your regular diet and boost your immune system to fight against those harmful yeasts. Have more nutrient-rich and Probiotic foods to increase your immunity.
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