Monday, May 09, 2016

Pimple on Tongue

Pimple on Tongue

Pimples on the tongue are in the form of small lesions or bumps. They are either white or red in color and often they are found in the surface of the tongue. The pimples on tongue are painful due to inflammation. Normally there are plenty of small lesions called fungiform papillae on the tongue and they get irritated and develop swelling which appear as pimple. The size of the pimple would be often very small and in rare cases they grow in size containing pus inside. And they remain mostly single and only in some people more number of pimples or lesions develop on the tongue.

Symptoms :

Pimples on tongue appear in the form of open sores and are painful. It can cause difficulty in eating and drinking and in severe cases it becomes difficult and painful to move your tongue. They are often pinkish red in color and are in the form of single lesion. In severe cases the color of the pimple can become yellowish and they grow in size indicating bacterial infection. Pus like fluid can get discharged from the lesion with foul smell.

Causes :

  • Injury :

Accidental injury like biting the tongue or eating rough food items or using dental fixtures can irritate the soft muscles on the tongue causing pimple.

  • Allergic Products and Foods :

Certain food stuff can cause Allergy leading to painful sores on the tongue and mouth. Taking strong antibiotics and steroids can irritate the soft tissues of the tongue causing pimple. Oral rinses and certain lip sticks can also cause such allergy.

  • Inflamed Taste Buds :

Small hair like structures is normally found on the tongue surface. Sometimes they develop inflammation and swelling changing to lesion or bumps that are red or white in color. These are called lie bumps.

  • Growth of Bacteria :

Bacteria or other microbes can develop on the clogged food particles that are left on the tongue surface leading to formation of pimple.

  • Oral Ulcers :

Aphthous ulcers can develop on the surface of the tongue and on the oral cavity. They are painful and are caused by several factors like stress, deficiency of vitamins and food allergies.

  • Infection :

Fungal infection like Candida infection can cause red lesions or pimples on the tongue surface. Oral Thrush can irritate the papillae causing painful pimple spots. Similarly viral infections like flu can cause painful pimples on the tongue. Herpes Simplex virus can destroy the normal balance of the tongue leading to pimples. Oral sex is the main reason for developing such infection.

  • Mouth Cancer :

In rare cases Oral Cancer can cause lesions or pimples on the tongue. They grow in size and often are not painful. Sometimes the color of such pimples changes over time. A person having such pimples on the tongue will have other symptoms of cancer like hoarseness in voice, numbness of tongue and feeling uncomfortable while eating, talking etc.

This is common in children and causes red bumps on the tongue along with other symptoms like fever, joint pain, swelling of lymph nodes and redness of palm and feet.

Other Causes :

Poor dental hygiene and smoking/tobacco chewing and other digestive problems can also cause red colored lesions or pimples on tongue surface. Certain medical conditions like Vitamin B deficiency, Scarlet Fever, hormonal imbalance and Syphilis infection can cause painful pimples on the tongue.

Colored Pimples :

  • Yellow Colored Pimple :

Having one or more yellow pimples on tongue indicates bacterial infection. Often they are due to STD infection forming painful blisters which on drying changes into yellow colored pimple. They are caused by herpes virus and may develop on the sides of the tongue also.

  • White Spots and Pimple on Tongue :

White patches and pimples on the tongue indicate oral thrush or Leukoplakia. It can develop due to tongue injuries and piercing of tongue. The pimple can vary in size ranging from small to large.

  • Red Pimple :

Cold Sores often cause red colored pimples on the tongue and lips. The soft skin of the tongue gets inflamed forming painful blisters. Kawasaki syndrome and scarlet fever also produces red pimples on tongue.

  • Black Pimple :

Oral cancer and certain types of allergy can cause black colored pimples on the tongue. The skin loses its normal color due to hyperpigmentation forming black colored spots.

Treatment :

In most of the cases pimples on the tongue will fade on its own without requiring medical treatment. Only in the case of infection (bacterial or viral) you need to depend on drugs.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Pimple on Tongue :

Pimple on Tongue Pimple on Tongue Pimple on Tongue Pimple on Tongue

Home Remedies :

  • Don’t Take Hot/Spicy Foods :

Avoid taking anything hot if you have lesion or pimple on tongue. Avoid spicy and fried items for few days since by eating them you are going to worsen the problem.

  • Don’t Take Cold Drinks :

Avoid any carbonated drinks at this time. Although you may feel like taking something cold if you have tongue irritation, it is not good for healing of pimples.

  • Don’t Prick the Pimple :

You should not pop or prick the pimple in any place. This will make the condition worse and it takes long time for healing.

  • Maintain Proper Dental Hygiene :

It is not true that you need not brush your teeth while having spots and pimples on the tongue. Remember to brush twice a day and rinse the mouth using gentle antibacterial mouthwash. This will help in eliminating the bacteria and control its growth quickly. Don’t use mouthwash that contains lot of alcohol.

  • Gargle Salt Water :

Prepare lukewarm salt water and gargle it several times a day. This will certainly provide quick relief from pain and reduces swelling. Minor form of bacterial infection will get cured by this method.

  • OTC Dental Paints :

You can apply dental paints available over the counter on the gums and affected part of the tongue. This will drastically reduce swelling and help in healing.

  • Milk of Magnesia :

You can dip soft cotton in the milk of magnesia solution and apply it directly on the tongue. This is effective in curing Canker Sores and blisters.

  • Fig and Milk :

You can try eating few figs along with warm milk. This is useful in controlling acidity of the stomach. This is effective in treating many kinds of digestive problems also.

  • Baking Soda Paste :

Mix 1tsp of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide solution. Apply this paste on the infected area of the tongue. Within two days the sores will heal and you can get relief from pain. Visit your doctor/dentist if the pimples on tongue do not respond to any of the above remedies. It can be due to infection. Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial infection; antiviral drugs are given for treating viral infection like herpes. Vitamin B complex capsule can be taken along with other medicines which facilitates healing of lesions.

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