Showing posts with label Symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Symptoms. Show all posts

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Skin Irritation (Pruritus) : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Skin Irritation (Pruritus) : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention. Skin irritation can be described as the feeling of irresistible scratching. In medical terms, skin irritation is known as pruritus and this condition is common in elderly adults. The skin would be fresh and shining during adolescence and it gets dry and shrinks as one grows older and older. Repeated scratching of the skin can lead to blisters or lesions. Mild to moderate form of skin irritation can be managed with moisturizing creams and anti-itch products.

Symptoms :

Some of the common signs of skin irritation are as follows :

  • Redness

  • Persistent scratching

  • Change in color of skin in the affected area

  • Formation of bumps or blisters due to repeated scratching

  • Dry and cracked skin

Skin irritation can be limited to specific area like hands or legs or sometimes it may extend throughout the skin. Skin irritation can range from mild to very intense. It gets itchier as you rub/scratch the place repeatedly. It becomes difficult to resist the temptation of scratching.

Skin Irritation Causes :

Various medical conditions and factors can cause skin irritation. Basically dryness of skin is the root cause of skin itching.

1. Dryness  Your skin becomes dry as you get old and wrinkles can be seen on the skin. Overuse of heating device like hot pads and air conditioning and repeated washing can also cause dry skin.

2. Medical Problems  Skin problems like eczema or dermatitis, Scabies, HIVes and Psoriasis can cause Itchy Skin.

  • Eczema – It is the most common skin problem prevalent in children. It is considered to be caused by faulty gene setup. Eczema is related with certain allergic infections like Asthma and allergic Rhinitis.

  • Contact Dermatitis – This occurs when the skin gets exposed to particular allergic products. A person who comes in touch with leaves of poison ivy oak and poison sumac can get contact dermatitis. It leads to red itchy rashes throughout the skin. Pets that are exposed to such allergic materials can transmit the allergens to humans leading to severe itching.

  • Hives – Skin inflammation occurs when there is problem in the immune system that secretes plenty of histamine by mistake. Small blood vessels on the upper layer of the skin leaks out fluid causing inflammation and swelling causing angioEdema. Hives can be mild or severe and it might take several months to control and treat it fully.

3. Severe form of health conditions like Kidney Failure, liver disease, anemia and certain kinds of Cancer can cause dry skin. In these cases skin irritation occurs throughout the body.

4. Nervous problems like complications in the brain, spinal cord and Pinched Nerves can cause skin irritation. Due to chronic Diabetes skin problems can occur.

Skin irritation

Other Causes :

  • Using harsh soaps and detergents can affect the soft layer of the skin causing skin irritation and itching.

  • Allergic conditions like poison ivy and food Allergy can also trigger skin irritation which can be severe.

  • Certain medications including antifungal drugs, antibiotics and pain killers can cause skin irritation.

  • In severe case of skin irritation it can cause skin injury and even scarring of skin.

Tests :

Based on the physical examination and health condition, your doctor may request for blood test and other testing procedures like liver and kidney function test.

Treatment :

Based on the investigations and test results the root cause of skin irritation is identified and treated. Anti-itch gels and creams are first line treatment for skin irritation. Diphenyl hydramine drugs like Benadryl can help in controlling allergic skin rash and irritation. But it can cause drowsy feeling. Over the counter antihistamine drugs can be taken for controlling skin itching.

Corticosteroid creams are highly effective in controlling skin itching. Alternatively, medications like protopic and elidel can be used for skin irritation. Certain antidepressant drugs like Zoloft and Prozac are also recommended for controlling skin itching. Hydrocortisone cream and gel can give quick relief from redness and dry skin.

Skin moisture has to be retained to prevent skin irritation. Many home remedies like cold/wet compresses can help in controlling skin irritation. Aloe Vera gel, cucumber sLice, coconut oil massage and calamine lotion can be effective for skin itching. Taking lukewarm oatmeal bath and baking soda water bath can give relief from severe itching and irritation.

For more severe medical issues like liver disease or kidney problems, your doctor would have to treat the root cause. Hives and Shingles are difficult to treat but symptoms can be managed with proper medications and lifestyle. For some people, bedbugs and lice can trigger intense skin irritation and in such cases help of pesticide agency will be useful. Skin irritation always gets high during night time interfering with the quality of sleep. In that case your doctor may prescribe mild sleeping doses.

  • Light Therapy

Controlled beams of ultraviolet light are passed directly on the affected area of the skin. But single session is not enough and one has to repeat multiple sessions of phototherapy for controlling skin irritation.

Stuck Stomach : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Stuck stomach : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment. Stuck stomach often has no medical significance. It is the feeling that something is wrong in the stomach and something has got stuck in the stomach. It can be food or something else. Digestive tract begins from your mouth and ends with rectum. Any obstruction or blockage in the digestive tract can cause multiple problems. And the tract can be affected by various factors and medical conditions. Movement of food in the stomach and colon should be normal and any blockage in the tract can cause reduced movement and sometimes the food gets backed up giving rise to certain medical conditions like stuck stomach.

Many people feel and perceive “stuck stomach” though there is no physical obstruction inside the stomach. In some cases real obstruction in the movement of food is present.

Causes Of Stuck Stomach :

1. Hiatus Hernia – Esophagus is thin tubing that runs from your throat and crosses the chest region, ending in the upper part of the stomach. Diaphragm is the organ that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest and esophagus makes a small opening into the diaphragm before entering the stomach. This opening is fixed with sphincter muscles to regulate flow of food and fluids from the throat into the stomach. Actually these muscles opens when something is to be sent inside the stomach and remains closed other times.

But sometimes due to back pressure and weakening of muscles it gets opened through which semi-digested food particles along with enzymes enters the throat cavity causing Heartburn and regurgitation. When this process happens repeatedly it can lead to pushing up of some fatty tissue of the stomach into the diaphragm and this condition is known as Hiatal hernia. A small portion of the stomach gets squeezed into the diaphragm and remains there for some time after which it gets finally released and sent into the abdominal cavity. Any injury in the diaphragm and sphincter muscle and forced (repeated) coughing can cause hiatal hernia.

2. Gastroparesis – Here, some muscles of the stomach do not function properly in emptying the bowel. This condition can occur due to nervous disorder present in the vagus nerve. On account of this, food remains in the stomach for extended periods inducing a feeling of stuck stomach.

Taking antidepressant medications or painkillers can cause gastroparesis. Medical conditions like prolonged Diabetes can lead to diabetic neuropathy (nerves may not function properly) and any surgical damage on the intestine, and Parkinson’s disease can cause stuck stomach.

Stuck Stomach

3. Presence Of Foreign Body – In rare cases the person may swallow any foreign objects accidentally which can get stuck in the esophagus and sometimes it can pass into the stomach. There may not be any way for the object to get expelled from the abdominal cavity leading to “stuck stomach”. This condition can occur in young children and infants. In severe cases some part of the stomach gets strangulated.

4. Improper Gastric Emptying – Food is chewed well in the mouth and mixes with saliva before entering the food pipe. It gets into the stomach wherein plenty of enzymes from the liver and stomach act upon it breaking down the food particles into small pieces. It gets grinded well forming semi-solid substance called “chime” in the stomach and finally enters the duodenum wherein absorption takes place fully. For some people gastric emptying of the food particles may not be regular leaving behind some particles in the stomach.

This condition can occur due to various factors like malfunction of the liver, imbalance in certain hormones and any problem in the intestine. Any malfunction of organs in the digestive system can cause improper gastric emptying leading to “stuck stomach”.

Read more on Distended Stomach

5. Problems In The Intestine – Certain medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, gallstone ileus and Tumor like growth in the intestine can cause feeling of “stuck stomach”. Other factors like polyps in the colon, partial paralysis of the nerves in the large intestine and fecal impaction (hardened stool on the end of rectum will not allow rest of the fecal expulsion causing retention of feces) can cause improper gastric emptying leading to stuck stomach.

Some pregnant women can experience such stuck stomach feeling and cannot eat well during the third trimester of pregnancy. Growing uterus will exert enough pressure on the stomach causing delay in the emptying of bowel.

Symptoms :

Pain in the abdomen, feeling of fullness, bloated feeling, burping and belching and consistent pressure in the stomach is some of the symptoms of “stuck stomach”. In severe cases it can cause loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and Constipation.

Other Causes :

Any obstruction in the small intestine will not allow easy movement of food particles eventually causing backup. This can cause stuck stomach.

Post operative conditions after surgery in the intestine and Crohn’s disease and malfunctioning of intestinal muscles can cause obstruction. In some cases, small portion of the intestine gets stuck in the stomach’s pouch or in the walls of the abdomen. This can cause stuck stomach.

Diagnosis :

Endoscopy is the right option for detecting any problem in the abdominal cavity. A small thin tube having a tiny lighted camera on the other end is sent through the mouth and closely monitored on the screen to detect any abnormalities in the cavity. Complete checkup of the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine can be done in this procedure. If necessary, your doctor would remove small tissue sample from the intestine to get it tested in the laboratory for detecting any Cancer.

Treatment :

In most of the cases of stuck stomach taking over the counter antacids are effective. Mylanta, Antigas, and other drugs with simethicone can be taken. For breaking up of certain solid carbohydrates and other particles, Beano can be taken.

  • Taking enough quantities of beans and fresh vegetables can reduce any gastric problem.

  • Going for long walk and doing aerobic exercise can help in emptying the bowel easily thus preventing constipation.

  • Avoid eating hefty meals and eat smaller quantities many times a day.

  • Avoid taking cool drinks that contains gas.

  • Make effort to increase belching by drinking water that contains sodium bicarbonate so that Trapped Gas can be relived from the stomach.

  • Eat ginger in any form regularly since it helps in improving digestion and clearing off gas.

Urinary Tract Infection : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Urinary tract infection : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention. Urinary tract infection or UTI is one of the most common infections affecting millions of women around the world. The infection can occur in the bladder, Kidneys, small tube called as ureters and urethra. Often urinary bladder and urethra becomes the target for bacterial infection. More than 50% of women would have had UTI at some point of their life. It causes symptoms of burning pain while passing urine and frequent urination. UTI can be completely treated with medications.

Symptoms :

  • Many times urinary tract infection goes unnoticed due to lack of symptoms. If the immunity is strong you may not even notice that you have had an infection.

  • Some of the signs of UTI include persistent urge for urination, burning pain while urinating and foul smelling urine. The urine may not be normal as before and it can be cloudy or bright pink colored.

  • For some women UTI can cause pelvic pain focused in the central pelvic region.

Causes Of Urinary Tract Infection :

Several factors and medications can trigger urinary tract infection. Very often UTI is caused by E. coli bacterium and Chlamydia. Bacteria enter the tract through vagina or through other sources and begin to grow in the bladder. Under normal condition, the body’s defense mechanism will fight and destroy the micro-organisms, but sometimes due to weakened immunity, bacteria can quickly grow multifold.

Bladder infection can occur when the bad bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract enters the bladder. Cystitis is the term given for bladder infection which can also be caused by sexual intercourse. Women’s anatomy increases the risk of cystitis due to the short distance between the opening of bladder and anus. Infection can easily spread from the anus/rectum into the vagina and travel towards the bladder.

Urethral infection is known as urethritis which can occur either from the invasion of bacteria within the body (from gastrointestinal tract) or outside the body through sex. Chlamydia, herpes and Gonorrhea infections can occur by having sex with affected person (s).

Urinary tract infection

Who Are At Risk ?

  • Every woman is at risk of having UTI owing to the placement of organs closer. About 20-30% of women are prone to develop repeated UTI.

  • Pregnant women are at increased risk of UTI and it can become severe, if left untreated.

  • Sexually active men/women are at high risk of developing UTI.

  • Women using contraceptives (in any form) and in menopause ages can develop this infection.

  • People with multiple sex partners and those who follow poor personal hygiene are at higher risk than others.

  • People who are using catheter and those with problems in the bladder and Bowel Incontinence are at high risk of UTI.

  • Those with kidney diseases and those who undergo urinary tract procedures often are highly prone to develop urinary tract infection.

  • People with weak immunity and those with chronic Diabetes and those who are using antibiotics frequently are at risk of UTI.

  • People who have undergone recent surgery in the GI tract are at increased risk of UTI.

Read more on Blood in Urine

UTI Types :

Based on the part affected, UTI can be classified into many types.

  • Pyelonephritis is the medical term given for kidney infection which can cause symptoms of high fever, chills, Flank Pain, nausea, vomiting and loss of weight.

  • Cystitis can cause bloody discharge in urine, frequent urination, and lower abdominal pain.

  • When urethra is affected it is called as urethritis which can cause symptoms of burning pain while passing urine and foul smelling vaginal discharge.

Tests :

Your doctor may listen to your symptoms to decide on UTI in most of the cases. However, in some cases urine test can be ordered to check the growth of bacteria in the urine. In severe cases CT scan or MRI scan can be done to get exact picture of the urinary tract. For some people cystoscopy will be done to view the inner portions of bladder and urethra.

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment :

  • Since UTI is predominantly a bacterial infection, antibiotics are recommended.

  • For mild to moderate kinds of UTI drugs like bactrim, Sulfamethoxazole, nitrofurantoin, cephalexin and similar drugs are given. Medications like ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin are not prescribed for mild cases of urinary infection.

  • Make sure that you are completing the medications given by your doctor failing which infection can recur.

  • Type of medication given will be decided by your doctor based on several factors like your age, health condition and type of bacteria causing the infection.

  • If there is severe burning pain while urinating, your doctor may recommend an analgesic for numbing the bladder temporarily while urinating.

  • In severe case of infection, you will be treated as in-patient in the hospital and intravenous fluids with medications are given promptly to prevent spread of infection to other vital organs.

  • Complications :

    Generally, UTI can be treated and cured completely. But if left untreated it can cause some complications like partial kidney damage, repeated urinary infections, pregnancy complications and premature delivery of baby. In rare cases, UTI can cause potentially dangerous condition called Sepsis shock which can be mortal.

    Urinary Tract Infection Prevention :

    • Drink lots of water and fluids so that urine gets diluted and toxins can be removed.

    • Always make sure that you are wiping from front portion to the back after passing stool or urine to prevent entry of germs.

    • Avoid having sexual intercourse with strange persons and multiple partners.

    • Empty the bladder shortly after having intercourse.

    • Avoid using harsh sprays and other feminine products on private parts

    • Avoid douching (repeated cleaning of vagina) since it can destroy good bacteria or interrupt the bacterial balance.

    Monday, August 07, 2017

    Boils On Buttocks : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

    Boils On Buttocks : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

    A boil can be called as localized infection of the skin. The affected skin area becomes tender and reddened. Over time this region may develop infection when the region gets filled with excess of white blood cells produced by the immune system to fight over infection. Within few days, the affected skin region gets filled with bacteria and WBC altogether forming pus.

    A boil in simple terms can be defined as skin Abscess. Boil can occur due to many factors like ingrown hair and skin infection or acne. Boils can form anywhere on the skin but regions like trunk, hands, legs, shoulders, armpits, face and groin and buttocks are highly prone and delicate to give room for a boil.

    Boils on the butt is truly annoying making it difficult for the person to sit comfortably. Boils are formed when the hair follicles of the skin gets swollen or inflamed. Boils are painful and reddened bumps. Initially it starts as a small red lesion and within couple of days it grows in size and you can feel the pain when touched. Slowly bacteria and other debris would grow on it and oozes out white colored fluid called pus.

    When there are multiple boils on the skin which is severe it is known as Carbuncle. Boil is nothing but skin abscess. Once the area gets filled with pus a white spot is seen on its head which soon starts releasing pus from inside.

    Sitting becomes a major problem for people with boils on butt. For the first couple of days there would not be any pain and many people would not even notice the boil. As the boil grows in size and becomes a lump, pain is felt on the butt while sitting. When it further increases in size it would start releasing pus like fluid. Once the pus gets completely drained the pain and discomfort would disappear.

    Boils on buttocks

    Boils On Buttocks Causes :

    Multiple factors can give rise to boils on butt and some of them are discussed below.

    1. Ingrown Hair

    Hair under normal conditions would grow outward but in some cases there can be hair growth inward abnormally. The hair projects inward and grows into the hair follicle leading to the growth of abscess. Hair follicle gets blocked subsequently causing inflammation and boils in the area affected. In many people ingrown hair is the major cause of boils on butt.

    2. Block In The Sweat Glands

    Sweat glands are in charge of secreting sweat to keep the body cool. When dirt or debris enters into the sweat glands, it leads to the blockage of pores in the sweat gland causing accumulation of debris and sweat inside. Eventually this may give rise to boils.

    3. Skin Problems

    Several kinds of skin problems like acne, bruises and skin trauma can cause boils on buttocks. Any small sharp objects like nail or tiny bark of the plant can enter the butt when a person sits on it accidentally. This can bruise the skin layer causing boils. Any cut or bruise on the skin of butt may develop into an infection leading to the formation of boil and considerable pain.

    4. Weakened Immunity

    People who are immune compromised due to chronic diseases are highly prone to develop boils on the skin. Bacteria and other micro-organisms can invade the body easily causing infection and severe health problems. Staph bacteria group is primary cause of infection related boils.

    5. Poor Hygiene

    Men and women who are not keeping their anus clean and dry are susceptible to boils. Women who are not changing pads frequently during menstrual periods are inviting infection. Unclean pads left in the butt area and genitals can cause boils and acne. It is wise to follow good hygiene after using the toilet to prevent skin infection and boils.

    Boils on buttocks

    Boils On Buttocks Symptoms :

    • The skin becomes hard due to trauma, injury or bruise.

    • After 2-3 days small red lump is formed on the buttocks.

    • Pain is felt while sitting and pain gradually increases as the lump grows in size.

    • Pus gets collected inside the lump and more pain is felt.

    • If left untreated at this stage, it would lead to infection. The skin becomes red, swollen and painful.

    • In severe cases mild fever may develop.

    Tests :

    Boils on butt do not need any medical examination and tests. Once you notice the boil after feeling the pain you can start with home remedies. In case boils are formed in many parts of the skin you can visit your doctor to get it examined.

    Boils On Buttocks Home Remedies :

  • Generally no treatment is necessary since the boils on buttocks would drain off within few days of formation.

  • If the lump grows in size and increased pain is felt in the butt area, you can apply warm compress over it. This helps in reducing the pain and in pulling the pus inside to the surface. Soak a soft cloth in lukewarm water and apply it on the affected area after squeezing the excess water.

  • You can also try applying paste of cumin seeds on the boils of buttocks. This would help in healing of boil.

  • Alternatively, you can use turmeric powder paste on it for quick relief from pain and healing.

  • You can apply antibiotic ointment given by your doctor after the pus is completely drained and close it with a bandage.

  • If you have Aloe Vera paste at home, you can apply this cream on the affected area to facilitate healing.

  • Alternatively, you can apply few drops of tea tree oil which acts as natural antiseptic reducing the inflammation and quicken the process of healing.

  • If nothing is available in your kitchen, you can quickly apply some ice cubes on the boil to get instant relief from pain.

  • Never prick the boil or attempt to drain off the pus since it can lead to infection.

  • Boils On Buttocks Medical Treatment :

    • Boils would have to be treated if it occurs due to infection. If there are many boils on the body and the symptoms get worse you need to consult your doctor without delay.

    • He/she may order for blood tests to confirm the infection. Further antibiotics would be prescribed for treating bacterial infection.

    • Your doctor may gently prick the pus with sterilized needle to drain off excess of pus inside and to get quick relief from pain and discomfort.

    • Normally boils on butt would wane within few days requiring no treatment.

    Tips For Preventing Boils :

    • You can totally prevent getting boils, but take some steps to avoid it.

    • Follow proper hygiene in using toilet and use soft dry clothing.

    • Wash your towels and bedding regularly and do not share with others.

    • Practice personal hygiene and treat skin wounds/cuts even if it is minor one.

    Monday, March 06, 2017

    Nicotine : Facts, Effects, Nicotine Addiction, Symptoms, Treatment

    Nicotine : Facts, Effects, Nicotine Addiction, Symptoms, Treatment

    Each year around 4.8 million Americans die due to cigarette smoking of which about 50,000 die of passive or secondhand smoking. Nicotine addiction is reported to be 2nd leading cause of death next to Heart Attack and Stroke worldwide. Smoking causes Cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and many other respiratory illnesses. If smokers decide to continue using tobacco there would be about 10 million deaths by the year 2020 due to tobacco. And this can cause the governments of developing countries more than $200 billion loss per year.

    Nicotine Dependence :

    Cigarette contains many other toxic substances including tobacco. The word dependence implies one cannot stop using it though he/she knows that it can produce serious effects on his/her health. Nicotine dependence can alter your brain functions, physical illness and much more chronic problems than you think. Without your knowledge, you will be seen become addicted to tobacco and related substance.

    Stopping smoking can cause irritability and other symptoms but it can be treated and fully cured. It is the nicotine in tobacco that primarily causes dependence but there are other toxic substances present in tobacco. Smokers are at increased risk to Heart diseases and cancer than others.


    Why People Smoke ?

    Several factors can induce one to smoke including psychological, social and genetic factors. Most of the smokers start this habit in their teens.

    Three major causes are known to trigger smoking in teenagers :-

    • Looking matured

    • Looking like their friends and get expected

    • And finally for experimenting it

    Many teens want to look mature and get expected by their friends. They are pressurized by their friends to indulge in smoking since they see their parents and relatives are smoking. And there are teens who start smoking just for pleasure and experimenting it. In some countries laws have been in force that bans smoking under teenage which stills add excitement.

    Adults indulge in smoking for various reasons like work pressure, Stress, relationship issues, economic and personal problems. In their belief system smoking gives temporary relief and relaxation which induces them to smoke more. Smoking gives a sense of good feeling and pleasure. Tobacco contains some psychoactive substance that produces effect of euphoria which in turn reinforces the user to smoke more. Those who wish to quit smoking would have to face the challenge of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

    Symptoms :

    Nicotine dependence occurs due to prolonged use of tobacco and related substances. These signs indicate that you have got addicted to nicotine :-

    You will not be able stop smoking even if you want to. You would have made sincere efforts to quit smoking but you cannot stop smoking.  Quitting smoking suddenly can cause signs of anxiety, restlessness, mood-swings, frustration, anger and strong craving. It can cause symptoms of sleeplessness, digestive problems, and weight gain. There are people who have already developed serious problems in heart or lungs due to smoking, and still unable to quit smoking. And there are some individuals who would give up social activities if they are not allowed to smoke.

    Some individuals cannot resist smoking after a meal or with coffee or while talking on the phone or meeting certain friends or during stressful situations. For some people smell of smoke or burning cigarette triggers them to smoke.

    How You Get Addicted To Smoking ?

    As one inhales smoke nicotine present in the tobacco is sent into the lungs. It mixes with blood and sends signals to the brain within seconds activating neurotransmitters causing change in mood and behavior. Dopamine is released in the brain producing good feelings and sense of well-being. Gradually the person gets addicted to nicotine and smoking.

    Who Are At Risk ?

    • Anyone who indulges in smoking regularly or uses other tobacco products regularly gets addicted to nicotine.

    • It is believed that genetics plays an important role in nicotine addiction. Individuals whose parents are smokers are at high risk of becoming habitual smokers. Children who see their parents smoking daily grow up as smokers.

    • Peer pressure plays a crucial role in forcing one to smoke.

    • Teenage is very significant period in smoking since most of the smokers had begin smoking in their teen years or childhood.

    • People who are already used to drinking and using other substances like heroin or cocaine are at high risk to become smokers.

    • Certain kinds of psychiatric illness like Depression induce one to smoke.

    Consequences :

  • Each cigar contains several harmful substances and cancer causing elements. There is no such thing as “natural” cigarette or “herbal” cigarette. Smoking damages every organ of your body and it weakens your immune system.

  • Around 50 of every 100 habitual smokers die of cancer.

  • Smoking causes Lung cancer (more than 90% of lung cancer cases are due to smoking). It can also cause many kinds of cancer including Oral Cancer, throat cancer and esophagus cancer. Smoking is found to be major cause of Leukemia and other cancers in the Pancreas and kidneys.

  • Smoking can be a reason for cardiovascular related diseases and even stroke. It worsens the functioning of heart.

  • Smoking can cause Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension (Blood Pressure). It can cause cataracts and various other eye problems. Continuous smoking can cause Infertility both in men and women. Pregnant women who smoke are doing high damage to the fetus resulting in Miscarriage or preterm delivery.

  • Lastly, you are damaging the health of your family by exposing them to passive smoking which can cause cancer, heart problems and Asthma.

  • nicotine

    Diagnosis :

    Your doctor may ask several questions to know to what extent you are nicotine addicted. It includes number of cigars you smoke everyday and physical and emotional symptoms it has caused in you.

    Treatment :

    Smokers (regular) cannot stop smoking even if they try. Without the help of doctor and support team it is very difficult to quit smoking. Treatment for nicotine dependence is available in the form of medications, counseling and therapy.

    • Medications :

    Nicotine replacement therapy and many other drugs are highly effective in helping you to quit smoking. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not follow nicotine therapy without consulting their doctor.

    • NRT :

    The main focus of nicotine replacement therapy is to give the patient nicotine without any harmful chemicals. The products used in this therapy help one to overcome the cravings for tobacco and withdrawal symptoms. Both OTC and prescribed medications are available in NRT.

    • Nicoderm and Habitrol :

    They are in the form of nicotine patches that can be easily attached to the skin. The person should use new patch every day and follow the patch for 8 or more weeks. Here the medication is sent into the skin easily by wearing the patch. However you have to start using this product only if you are determined to quit smoking and from the day after you have stopped smoking. Nicotine gum is available in the medical store which can be used for managing the cravings caused by quit smoking. All you have to do is to chew the gum and place it between the gum-line and cheeks in your mouth. Nicotine gets absorbed slowly in the blood through this method. It can cause slight irritation in the mouth.

    Nicotine lonzenges like Commit or Nicorette can also be supplemented in NRT which also works on the same principle like nicotine gum. You can use lonzenges for every hour and don’t drink anything hot or cold after using the lozenge. Prescription medication for NRT is available in the form of nasal spray or inhaler. Nicotrol NS can be easily sprayed into the nose which gets absorbed into the blood vessels. This method facilitates quick absorption of nicotine in your blood. Based on the individual patient, your doctor may suggest using this spray about 4-6 months daily. It can cause mild side effects like Sneezing, throat irritation and runny nose.

    Nicotine tablets can be used as oral pills for specific periods to overcome smoking. Nicotrol is an excellent inhaler that delivers the vapor of nicotine directly into the mouth. The inhaler looks very much like a cigar holder and when you puff on it, nicotine is sent into the blood directly.

    Advantage Of NRT :

    • Basically this treatment reduces craving for cigarette and withdrawal symptoms.

    • It would drastically reduce tobacco craving for sure; however it should not be taken as the only source for quitting smoking. You can get help from counseling sessions to completely abstain from smoking. Once you stop smoking you are likely to develop emotional problems which can force you to relapse quickly.

    • You can always carry lozenge or nicotine gum in your pocket when you are confronted with specific situations like long traffic, a meeting in your office or in a party wherein your friends are smoking.

    • Prescription medications include Bupropion and Varenicline which improves the dopamine levels in your brain creating a good feeling.

    Tips For Prevention :

    Majority of smokers start smoking in teen years and hence it is the responsibility of the parents to restrict the tobacco access to them. Parents should be aware of the happenings and follow discipline at home to become a role model. Talk freely with your teens and help them in the beginning itself. Students should be counseled in advance about the harmful effects of nicotine and smoking.

    Coping :

    • You should stay motivated and never give up.

    • Create a plan and keep you promise once you have decided to quit. Think about the long-term benefits and your health.

    • Identify the triggering factors and avoid it. Get support from group and internet.